Showing posts with label SB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SB. Show all posts


The Joys of Men!

So there is this boy. YES A BOY! :) I'll call him JC. I met him last year in my English class. I never really actually talked to him, more just like say hi and wave. He's a catch too. He is someone who I can bring home to my parents and I know they would like him. He is going places in life. NOW THAT'S A MAN YOU WANT! He's evolved in a lot of campus activities and well known. ARGH!! Two weeks ago, he was standing behind my chair. I was trying not to look stupid. AH! He recently broke up with his girlfriend, so I don't want to be that rebound girl. OH LIFE!

I want to go up and talk to him, but I'm finding it so hard. I'm don't want to be rejected by him and be embarrassed and sad(I know we all been rejected at one point in out lives). But I can't even get the guts to talk to him. He added me as a friend on facebook, I guess that is a plus, RIGHT? RIGHT! But the thing I'm most afraid of is he won't like me because, umm- oh this is shallow of me, but I'm not skinny toothpick girl. I'm not fat, I look damn good, but I could lose a little bit of weight. But that's not the point. I don't think he is like though, but that is what is stopping me from talking to him. But I have some awesome qualities that any man would love to have in a women[EXCEPT I CAN'T COOK! I can make a mean brownies though]. What man wouldn't want a woman like me? I don't know, I still haven't found him yet. :( We'll see soon enough because there is SB- but I'll save him for another time.

The point I wanted to get to was, last year I saw 27 Dresses a bunch of times at the movies. That time last year, I was on DM(I should make a list of these men, there's not a lot. promise!) But I didn't ant to pursuit anything until I was sure he was going to go to school here- which he currently is not. But I'm over him, finally! 27 Dresses got me to write probably my greatest piece of writing I ever wrote in my life. SO here it goes, this is taken off myspace, so it's old.


So I just saw 27 Dresses. It was really a cute movie. Really good. But this movie really me think about something. So this is not clear, kind of confusing, but I'll fix it when I figure what the hell I trying to say. OKAY!

It was the end part of the movie when Corinne Bailey Rae's song "Like A Star" started playing. Here's a girl, Jane, who spends her time always being a bridesmaid and never a bride instead of find herself a man who she can makes her happy. Jane's little sister comes and steal away the man she is in love with and gets engaged to him. Jane says nothing or does nothing. Here comes a guy, Kevin, who come and make her see herself as a pushover. Well the movie goes on………….

But what I'm trying to say and I know this is very cliché is, even has hard as it is, if you want somebody, go after them. Do not wait for them to make a move. Go head and make first move. Even if you get turned down- - at least you tried? Right? You don't wanna see them happy with someone else, when the whole time you wanted them to be yours. You don't wanna be saying what if, what the hell didn't I do anything. Trust me, it's not cool. So go out to bag the guy or gal you want before they get snatched up. It's worth the risk to take. Who know, they may be the one.

If only I can take my own advice. But I have too. I'm tired of this game, it's time to step my game up. Wish me luck.

//Edit// 3.2.08

So last week umm... yah I know what happened and with who. It was good. Hehe. picture do justice guys. But last week got me thinking, backburner or push ahead? Something is telling me to push ahead. But not all signs are clear yet. I don't wanna do something that is going to make everything awkard and uncomfortable especially when he's in my class in a really good friend. Why can't this shit be easy. Damn. [talking about DM here]