
25 Things About Me

This is all about me, so here goes:

1. I love my family. They are the most important people in my life. I don't know where I be without them.
2. I love weddings. I wanted to be a wedding planner, but I don't know about that anymore. I do want to go wedding dress shopping though.
3. I love love love icepops. :)
4. I hate math with a passion. And sometimes I want to change my major to something that doesn't involve a lot of math.
5. I have a huge fear of rejection. That's one of the main reason's I never had a boyfriend. And I'm afraid that they might not like me for me.
6. I have 6 screws in my jaw from jaw surgery I had about three years ago.
7. Growing up I was a hypochondriac. I grew out of that like 4 years ago.
8. Honestly, I never thought I live to see myself in college [refer to #7].
9. I'm afraid that when I grow up I will be lonely. :(
10. I recently saw this bible verse that said if you pray and worry, then there is no point to praying. Since then I have been worry free. I know things will be good as long as I have Jesus. :)
11. Chocolate is the best thing ever.
12. I want to get married by time I turn 27.
13. I am a strong supporter that everyone- regardless of money or not- should be able get health care. It's not fair that people die of common problems because they can't afford to go to the hospital/doctors. Not fair.
14. I think that all people who abuse, kill, molest children should be put to death. And I hope they burn in hell. Why harm children and take away their innocence for. That's why the world is so fucked up.
15. Since Barack Obama became president, the way people have acted to him being elected as really made me like hate some people. If you don't like the way he run the country, get the fuck out of America. Stop calling him a terrorist, and calling him by his middle name. You doing that just make you seem ignorant and racist.
16. I want to have at least 2 children. But I know when I have children it's will be high risk and I have to plan ahead with my doctor before I have children. =/
17. I love trashy reality shows. Makes my day.
18. I think New Jersey is the best state ever!
I love Texas too, but come on- Texas is the most conceited state in America. But everything is better in Texas.
19. I'm not ready to enter the real world. I'm excited to see what life has to offer after college but also afraid. I'm not ready to pay bill just yet.
20 . When I pack, I throw clothes in the suitcase then sit on it to close it.
21. I'm a procrastinator.
22. I want a Iphone and Itouch. I also want a nice Coach bag. I'll treat myself to that one day.
23. I still like to color and I'm 20.
24. We all need time to ourselves. Mines is when the Doctors and Jeopardy comes on.
25. I'm a very easy person to get a long with.

So there you go.


Procrastination will be the death of me

And I need to stop procrastinating. HEHE!

I have two finals today: statistics and economics.
I'm pretty good on statistics, just got to review the problems and as for economics, eww graphs. But everything is easy peasy. I know it will be a long night. Oh yeah! Maybe a little nap? I doubt it, maybe. I'll see.

“ I can’t wait to figure out what’s wrong with me so I can say this is the way that I used to be ” -John Mayer

Good night!


Final start tomorrow

I'm still in bed. I should be studying. So much things to do. So little time,

I have to many things running through my mind at once:
- Two finals tomorrow. Statistics and economics. I'm afraid for statistics, but I know what I'm doing. I'm just afraid that I will blank out again.
- Finals are coming up!
- I need to lose weight badly! I started to eat better, then some stuff got the best of me. But I'm eating my salad and veggies every day now!
- Why does that bitch keep charging me for extra corn??!?!? Nobody else does. I wanna complain about her to her managers.
- Why would that little girl's father try to sell her. He is greedy. All he wants is more money, even though the producer of Slumdog Millionaire has a trust fund for her. SOME PARENTS I TELL YOU.
- I move out of here soon, so I have to pack and clean.
- I need stop procrastinating. My post stick notes are really helping me though.
- There is nothing good on tv. NADA!

I need to go to food, library until tonight. Long day!


Don't Rain on My Parade

Today I checked facebook and I noticed one of my friends joined this group that supported Texas succeeding from the union (oh yes, some people still want Texas to be it's own country). And I looked at the group which only sparked my interest so I decided to go to YAHOO ANSWERS (the best website ever! I SWEAR!) to see why people were still talking about Texas succeeding (I love Texas, but I tell you- Texas is the most conceited states in the country. For reals: EVERYTHING IS BIGGER IN TEXAS and DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!! But everyone is so friendly!) And I came across this article:

Though Gov. Rick Perry (R) insists Texans are talking about secession in response to federal tax policy, a new Rasmussen Reports poll finds that 75% of Lone Star State voters would opt to remain in the United States. Only 18% would vote to secede, and 7% are not sure what they'd choose.

18% want to succeed. WTF! This is America people. But as I continued to read some of these people's answers, Obama came up. And what they were saying about him made me so mad! OOHHH!

Which bring me to something I wrote after Obama was inaugurated- which I consider my greatest piece of writing ever!

I don't know why people are hating on Obama, but get over it. He's putting this country in the right direction and fixing mess that- umm- was left for him to make better.

Don't Rain on My Parade- Written by MOI

Rosa sat.

So Martin could walk.

So Barack could run.

So we can fly.

Tuesday meant a lot of different things to so many different people. It was amazing just to see so many people of different back grounds come together to witness Obama be sworn in as the 44th president. 1.5 million went to Washington to witness history. What an amazing site to see that happen. Just seeing that made me glad to be an American again.

To be honest I never thought a black man would be president in my lifetime. I heard people talk/joke about it, but I never thought it would ever happen this fast. I was watching Larry King on Monday when he was talking to DL Hughley. DL said something that struck me: “Growing up, my teachers always told I could be whatever I wanted. I just rolled my eyes at them”. Now it’s true. Barack Obama has open doors for so much people. Never can someone say that they can’t be anything they want. Because they can. If a black man can be the leader of the greatest country in the world, then you can be whatever you want to. Obama has definitely renewed America’s spirit and given America back the title of “the land of opportunity”. My 12 year old brother says he want to be president when he grows up, now that is possible.

Martin Luther King Jr. dream has finally been realized.

Those who fought for equal rights for everyone, their struggles have been beaten.

Those who died for this country to preserve the rights of the people born here have not died in vain. They died for a fight they believed in.

Being black in this country has given me a whole new reason to love my race even more.

So to those who hate Obama and think that he won’t accomplish much in 4 years, well your wrong. Just alone in a year, he has brought a sense of pride in this country. He has brought so many people together for a common cause. He has given the chance for people to become more involved in politics and doing their best to make this country a better place to live. Most importantly, he has brought patriotism back to this country. Patriotism I haven’t seen since 9/11. That alone is a huge accomplishment that very few presidents have seen in their administrations.

America has a tough road ahead of us; I believe that Obama will lead us to a better country.

Change has come, and change will be made. America will be better than ever.

I can finally say:

I can now fly,

because Barack ran,

because Martin was able to walk,

all because Rosa sat and refused to give up her seat.

So I thank those who fought and never gave up the dream. Because without them. I wouldn’t be able to go to school and get all the same opportunities as the whites had.

So, thank you. Thank you very much. :)

Written January 21, 2009

Off to write my philoshphy paper. My teacher wasn't really clear how to write the paper and didn't really look at my outline in details. So I hope it turns out the way he wants out. But it will be one hell of a paper


The Joys of Men!

So there is this boy. YES A BOY! :) I'll call him JC. I met him last year in my English class. I never really actually talked to him, more just like say hi and wave. He's a catch too. He is someone who I can bring home to my parents and I know they would like him. He is going places in life. NOW THAT'S A MAN YOU WANT! He's evolved in a lot of campus activities and well known. ARGH!! Two weeks ago, he was standing behind my chair. I was trying not to look stupid. AH! He recently broke up with his girlfriend, so I don't want to be that rebound girl. OH LIFE!

I want to go up and talk to him, but I'm finding it so hard. I'm don't want to be rejected by him and be embarrassed and sad(I know we all been rejected at one point in out lives). But I can't even get the guts to talk to him. He added me as a friend on facebook, I guess that is a plus, RIGHT? RIGHT! But the thing I'm most afraid of is he won't like me because, umm- oh this is shallow of me, but I'm not skinny toothpick girl. I'm not fat, I look damn good, but I could lose a little bit of weight. But that's not the point. I don't think he is like though, but that is what is stopping me from talking to him. But I have some awesome qualities that any man would love to have in a women[EXCEPT I CAN'T COOK! I can make a mean brownies though]. What man wouldn't want a woman like me? I don't know, I still haven't found him yet. :( We'll see soon enough because there is SB- but I'll save him for another time.

The point I wanted to get to was, last year I saw 27 Dresses a bunch of times at the movies. That time last year, I was on DM(I should make a list of these men, there's not a lot. promise!) But I didn't ant to pursuit anything until I was sure he was going to go to school here- which he currently is not. But I'm over him, finally! 27 Dresses got me to write probably my greatest piece of writing I ever wrote in my life. SO here it goes, this is taken off myspace, so it's old.


So I just saw 27 Dresses. It was really a cute movie. Really good. But this movie really me think about something. So this is not clear, kind of confusing, but I'll fix it when I figure what the hell I trying to say. OKAY!

It was the end part of the movie when Corinne Bailey Rae's song "Like A Star" started playing. Here's a girl, Jane, who spends her time always being a bridesmaid and never a bride instead of find herself a man who she can makes her happy. Jane's little sister comes and steal away the man she is in love with and gets engaged to him. Jane says nothing or does nothing. Here comes a guy, Kevin, who come and make her see herself as a pushover. Well the movie goes on………….

But what I'm trying to say and I know this is very cliché is, even has hard as it is, if you want somebody, go after them. Do not wait for them to make a move. Go head and make first move. Even if you get turned down- - at least you tried? Right? You don't wanna see them happy with someone else, when the whole time you wanted them to be yours. You don't wanna be saying what if, what the hell didn't I do anything. Trust me, it's not cool. So go out to bag the guy or gal you want before they get snatched up. It's worth the risk to take. Who know, they may be the one.

If only I can take my own advice. But I have too. I'm tired of this game, it's time to step my game up. Wish me luck.

//Edit// 3.2.08

So last week umm... yah I know what happened and with who. It was good. Hehe. picture do justice guys. But last week got me thinking, backburner or push ahead? Something is telling me to push ahead. But not all signs are clear yet. I don't wanna do something that is going to make everything awkard and uncomfortable especially when he's in my class in a really good friend. Why can't this shit be easy. Damn. [talking about DM here]


Introducing ME!

I need a place to vent out everything that goes on in there. ARGH!!!!!

So here is where I will vent. But I promise I won't spill my life stories on you. PROMISE!

Anyways, a little about myself:
I’m 20 years old, although people say I look like I’m 15-16ish. [I take that as a complement. :) ]

I’m a marketing major. I really want to work in advertising when I graduate in (OMG) 2 years! Which the last 2 years have really gone by so fucking fast. EEK! I’m not ready to live in the real world, but I’m excited to see what the future has in store.

I’m really random, as you can soon tell. But that’s a good thing. I’m not boring. PROMISE!

I, CASSANDRA, am a procrastinator. But that’s okay. Everything get donea in it’s own time.

I have a weird obsession with icepops, chicken, and SOBE fruit punch!

I’m a sucker for music. I really love the Killers, just to let you know. :)

Photography and writing are ways to calm my soul.

I sleep with a fan on always. Even if it is cold out.

I have a dirty mouth, just to let it out in the open. But I never curse in front of my elders or parents. [I’m classy like that].

And I love, love reality TV. Mainly trashy shows on VH1(Tough Love, I Love Money, Chamed School, ect) and Bravo(Realhouse Wives, Millionaire Matchmaker). The Doctors, Tyra, and Oprah are my daytime shows I have to watch. [I DO HAVE A LIFE!]

MOST IMPORTANT: the TWO most important things in my life are: MY FAMILY AND JESUS. Without them I wouldn’t be who I am today and I wouldn’t know where I’m going tomorrow.

New month. Time to start something new.

Half way through

Umm, I going to document the rest of my college life from now on. We'll see how this goes.

School is almost over. My sophomore year. I'm halfway through with school. I can hardly believe it! Soon I will be graduating, getting a real job and starting my life in the real world!
As much as I'm excited for school to be over, it's kind of nerve wrecking. Just looking for a job. Who knows where I end up. But I do want to stay in the city near my home. Just for a while. Then I want to go either to law school or get my MBA up in New York. RELOCATE!

So my friends, he goes my journey through my life. My ups and downs, good and bad.

So on your mark, get set, GO!